North Point Ministries offers two formats for MoneyWise: a group environment and one-on-one mentoring. Don’t be afraid to test different formats. The important thing is for you to find out what works best for you


Groups give individuals and couples a taste of community. Groups are geared toward participants looking for education and the ability to implement what they learn in their groups on their own at home. Groups either meet for nine weeks or 4 weeks, depending on the curriculum being provided. Groups are offered several times a year. Each small group has between 8 and 12 participants and at least one leader. Large groups are usually held at the church with a host and table leaders to help guide the discussion.

MoneyWise groups utilize either Andy Stanley’s If Money Talked or Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Some of the topics covered include: saving, budgeting, debt reduction, communication, accountability, investing, and buying or selling your home.



Mentoring is offered for those who want/need more individual attention and accountability and/or don’t feel comfortable in a group setting. Mentoring consists of six sessions over three months with an assigned mentor.

  • Coaching: MoneyWise Coaching is a single, one-hour session with a MoneyWise Mentor.